November 2006-April 2007
"Energized" selected in a University of Kentucky Studio Majors Student Council sponcored display at UK's Coldstream
Facility in Lexington, KY.
March 2007
Selected work on display at Brandywine Studios in Somerset, KY.
September 2007
Participant at the TriState Art Guild's "Art at the Mounds" festival at the Angel Mounds Historic Site in Evansville,
November 2007
Select paintings "The Lovers" and "The Room" (not on website) on display at Miller Fine Art and Framing.
November 20,23,24,and 25
Work for sale at LexArt hosted BuyArt! Market at Victorian Square, on the corner of Main and Broadway, in Lexington,
December 7, 2007
Matted original waterbased monotype prints and watercolors for sale from 6:00 pm-10:00 pm at University of Kentucky's
Open Studio located at the end of Scott Street on South Broadway in Lexington, KY.
February 15, 2008
Donated 2 pieces to the art auction for the Women's Violence Center of Lexington, KY in conjunction with the Vagina
May-June 2008
Selected paintings and prints on display at "The Hub" in Danville, KY.
June 2008
Selected works on display at Brandywine Studios in Somerset, KY.